Thursday, September 17, 2020

What's it like to have a seizure

Would you know how to help someone having a seizure ? Could you have epilepsy and not even know it? Learn the to these questions . When they have a seizure , they lose consciousness or awareness right away. An aura is often a change in feeling, sensation, thought, or behavior.

If you have more than one seizure , you may have a similar aura each time.

These seizures may also result in the involuntary jerking of a body part, such as an arm or leg, and spontaneous sensory symptoms such as tingling, dizziness and flashing lights. Having seizures is a major inconvenience to our lives. Epilepsy can take many . Atkins for Seizures atkinsforseizures.

Am I having a seizure ? How can I explain what this feels like ? We asked these questions of our . If you get auras, you can take steps to protect yourself if you know a seizure is on the way.

Continue Reading Below. These warning signs may include feeling “funny” or dizzy, or having jerking and. The patient also can inform other people around them about what is going on. It is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. People who have simple partial seizures do not lose consciousness during the seizure.

A person having a seizure may seem confused or look like they are staring at. Find out what people said about issues such as symptoms, seizures , treatments and impact on school, work and friendships. We hope you find the information . How common are epileptic seizures in dementia? Who is most at risk of having them? It is extremely helpful if you are direct and candid and explain what just.

What effect do they have on how . Many people experience an aura before having a seizure. For milder seizures , like ones involving staring or shaking arms or legs, guide the . While many patients with epilepsy have certain things that may. Some people recover immediately while others may take minutes to hours to feel like their usual self. The type of seizure , as well as what part of .

Talk to the person about their condition and what role they would like you to play in helping. Seizure triggers — A minority of people have seizure triggers, such as strong. The appropriate treatment of your seizure will depend upon what type of . Simple partial epileptic seizures.

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