You might consider the word duration. Literally, ETA means estimated time to arrival. It is often used when traveling, like you want to know your ETA to your destination, or the ETA for the package delivery.
However, often I find myself wanting to use ETA when I am referring to a completion date, even though literally ETA means arrival, not completion. Yes, at least in the hi-tech and software development industry.
Estimated Time To Complete (ETC) - Professional Services. Thus, in your project plan you can estimate the time of completion as four days. The estimated time period for the completion of the project is one year and once complete its outcome will provide extensive insight and thus facilitate a more . Acronym, Definition.
ETC, Electronic Toll Collection. Time to completion (TTC) is a calculated amount of time required for any particular task to be. Similar to the metaphorical use of estimated time of arrival.
Our projects in Afghanistan have served as . ETC is also called closing. Example sentences with estimated time of completion , translation memory. The most popular abbreviation for . You need to estimate completion time accurately before you commit to a project. In top-down analysis, you develop an overview of the expected timeline first, . It can be shown easily that in many settings it pays to have partial batches when the expected makespan or the total expected completion time. There are several long-term plans for the U-Bahn that have no estimated time of completion , most of which involve closing short gaps between stations, enabling.
It is estimated that completion of the online training programme would require a period of two months for staff members studying on a part- time basis after working . The expected time is the time that will be used on the PERT diagram as the needed period for the completion of an activity. As the following formula shows, . High quality example sentences with “ estimated time of completion ” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to . Expected Completion Date means the date , set by the School and included in the College Contract, by which a Student is contractually obligated to finish the . All these times (i.e. optimistic time , pessimistic time , most likely time and expected time ) refer to the completion of an activity. Let us now concentrate on the time.
Q: A: What is the meaning of ETC abbreviation?
Activity Duration – The time in calendar units between the start and finish of a. Budget At Completion (BAC) – The estimated total cost of the project when done. Couples Negril, Negril: what is the estimated time of completion of the. Weblio辞書 - estimated time of completion とは【意味】完成予定時間.
The Beta probability distribution is used to describe the time estimate in PERT analysis. According to this distribution the expected time of completion of the . Expected time of completion is months for both cases, but Example 4. One goal of the present enrollment regulations is to enable the University to manage enrollment in the College and the .
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